User Problem
The company has a deeply rooted homeowner client base but is failing to appeal to young-adult renters. This is due to rental property modifications reliant on landlord decisions, with many not wishing to utilize energyFit's service as a result of split incentives between tenant and owner. This has led to energyFit seeking out a product or service that can attract younger renters whilst engaging with their business.
Background Research
• Gen Z and Millennial have generally higher awareness when it comes to sustainability.
• Landlord-to-tenant interactions are skewed, especially when approaching upgrades and fixed appliance installations.
• Focus on apartment living for young adult renters in comparison to home purchases.
Persona, Empathy Map & Journey Map
Based on the background research conducted for the company and its target demographic outlined in its problem statement, John is the persona that eF Hub will be based on. It was important to utilize both empathy and journey maps as they provide information that is vital to the expected flow of the application in its design stages.